Friday 1 October 2010

Part 5

Online Screening


What sorts of films are exhibited at these sites?
The BBC shows a range of different short films. These are then separated in to different categories such as animation, artists moving image, drama, comedy, music and documentary.

Who is the audience?
Admirers of short films would be part of the audience, as well as students studying a film course. The site attracts a mainstream audience due to the success of the BBC channel. The site can be accessed by anyone, allowing a larger audience to view the site.

What is the submission process?
In order to have your film published on the website, you must be registered first. You will be asked to fill out a form, involving contact details a synopsis of the film, other film details and crew and cast information. After this you will have to supply a hard copy of your film, if your film gets chosen you will then send in a broadcast version to be uploaded.

What are the benefits to having a film screened on site as opposed to another?
The site is home to directors and their pieces of work; this means others in the industry will be able to look at your work. This means you will receive feedback and ratings. There is also a future for more short films to be seen and become more popular.

What have you noticed about the structure/style of the sites and their presentation of the material?
The site id organised into different categories, these consist of duration, date, popularity and when added. There is a variation in text and colour on the website that is pleasing to the eye.


What sorts of films are exhibited at these sites?
Film four exhibit films from different genres such as animation, celebrity, comedy and extreme sports. The films on the site are of higher quality compared to other screening sites.

Who is the audience?
Film four’s audience would consist of filmmakers and people who are interested in short films. Also as film four is part of channel four it has a following of channel four viewers.

What is the submission process?
There is no real submission process to get your films uploaded onto the site. This is because film four chooses the films they want to have on the site. These included award winning films and festival winners.

What are the benefits to having a film screened on site as opposed to another?
Having your short film on this site would give you exposure as it has a large following. If your film were to be published on Film four it would be easier to get funding for other film projects.

What have you noticed about the structure/style of the sites and their presentation of the material?
The first thing you see on the site is the top 12 videos chosen by film four. The site is very commercial as it displays several adverts. It’s hard to navigate around the site. Overall the site is aesthetically pleasing but there are difficulties in the way its layed out.

Trigger Street

What sorts of films are exhibited at these sites?
Trigger Street is a place that shows undiscovered talent. These include short films, screenplays, books, comics, short stories and plays. There is a mixture in quality and still of footage shown on this site.

Who is the audience?
Audiences of this site include amateur filmmakers looking for inspiration and to upload their own work to the site. Also people who enjoy short films will be the audience for the site.

What is the submission process?
To submit your film you must first register to the site, once this is done you are allowed to upload your own videos, after accepting the terms and conditions.

What are the benefits to having a film screened on site as opposed to another?
The benefits of uploading your work on this site is that you can review other peoples work on this site and also give and receive feedback on videos. You can have guarantied honest feedback to then use to build upon for future film work.

What have you noticed about the structure/style of the sites and their presentation of the material?
The site does not contain any images, making it look rather dull. The colours and text are slightly harsh on the eyes, which makes it look less attractive. It looks cluttered and messy compared to other film sites.


What sorts of films are exhibited at these sites?
Atom revolves around the genre of comedy. These include live action and animation comedy videos. They aim to expose new talent on to the Internet.

Who is the audience?
The main audience for this site would be the younger generation, this is because comedy appeals to them and the site allows them to watch all types of comedy videos easily. Also other fans of comedy would be interested in this site, because it is created for any type of person.

What is the submission process?
It is easy to submit your work on this site, as all you have to do is register to the site to become a member, and then simply upload your chosen footage.

What are the benefits to having a film screened on site as opposed to another?
This website gives you the chance to earn money if your work get a lot of views and ratings. The site allows easy distribution via mobile, Xbox, Ipod etc. Which is easy for their mainstream audience. Your work will also get plenty of views and feedback.

What have you noticed about the structure/style of the sites and their presentation of the material?
The website is well structured and easy for the viewer to read and navigate around. It is not as cluttered as other site like Trigger Street making it more aesthetically pleasing. Its simple and easy to find other types of videos on the website.

Virgin Media

What sorts of films are exhibited at these sites?
This website only exhibits short films as it specialises in short film competitions, which are funded by the UKFC. The aim of this website is to find and showcase new talent.

Who is the audience?
The audience for this site would be judges who are marking the short films on the site and also other competitors who are gathering inspiration from the films.

What is the submission process?
Submitting your film is easy as all you need to do is to click the upload and simple upload the footage.

What are the benefits to having a film screened on site as opposed to another?
Having your film on this site would give you and your film exposure and more interest. The site also makes it easier for you to receive funding for future film projects. There are competitions run on this site meaning chances to get your film into cinemas and receive money for funding.

What have you noticed about the structure/style of the sites and their presentation of the material?
The colours, text and layout are appealing to the audience. The information is easy for the audience to read and is separated into different places as well as the videos. The downfall of this site is that you do not receive any feedback or ratings for your work. Overall the site is very appealing but lacks some aspects of other film sites.


What sorts of films are exhibited at these sites?
Vimeo is home to creative filmmakers that use the site to upload their work for others to see and receive feedback. All genres are allowed on the site except for pornography and commercial work.

Who is the audience?
The audience of this site would include film fans that are interested in all styles of films. Also people who are looking for new talent would be an audience to this site.

What is the submission process?
To upload your work onto vimeo all you have to do is register to the site and become a member, this will then allow you to upload various films.

What are the benefits to having a film screened on site as opposed to another?
As with most online screening sites you will be able to get feedback from other viewers about your work and be able to take the comments on and use the criticism in future work. Also if vimeo thinks your work is good then they will put your video on their homepage for everyone to see when they log into the site. This allows more exposure for your film. Competitions are also held, which involve money prizes.

What have you noticed about the structure/style of the sites and their presentation of the material?
The site has an easy mixture of colour, images and text making it pleasant for the audience to use. There is clear categories set up to allow easy navigation for the users. Overall the site is simple and therefore easy to use.


What sorts of films are exhibited at these sites?
Youtube allows all types of videos to be uploaded on to the website including music, short films, trailers, film clips and homemade videos. However the site does not allow pornography or violence to be uploaded to the website. Recently youtube has started working with TV companies such as 4od and BBC I-player to bring you TV programmes from their business. This allows them to receive more exposure for their programmes and allows the audience easy access to the programmes.

Who is the audience?
Youtube is a well-known site, meaning it has a large mainstream audience. Users of this site are from all different parts of the world and are of all ages. Only a small portion of the audience on youtube uploads videos, however music institutions have now started uploading musician’s work to claim more exposure.

What is the submission process?
Getting your videos on to youtube is a very simple process. All that is required is to register to the site and then upload your videos, after accepting the terms and conditions of the website.

What are the benefits to having a film screened on site as opposed to another?
The benefits for having your film on youtube are not as good as other online screening sites; the main benefit would be lots of exposure and feedback from other users. Unfortunately the feedback is not always reliable and sometimes has nothing to do with your video as youtube allows their users to say whatever they feel.

What have you noticed about the structure/style of the sites and their presentation of the material?
The site has search bars that allow the user to use key words to find their requested video; this makes it easy to navigate. Youtube has a feature known as ‘recommended for you’, this looks at what you have looked up on youtube in the past and recommended other videos that are like this for you to watch. The colour scheme is very simple which can seem a bit dull. Information is listed easily and clearly for the user. Overall youtube is very organised and is user friendly.

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